Momentum Diversified Funds
The VT Momentum Diversified Fund range has been designed to offer a selection of risk-rated funds targeting either income or inflation plus returns over four or more years. The funds are broadly diversified portfolios investing in a wide range of global asset classes such as equities, fixed income, cash, property and alternative strategies.
We believe that diversification is vital in any investment portfolio as being too concentrated in any one investment can lead to increased volatility (positive or negative investment returns).
Our heritage in multi-asset investing coupled with strong research expertise allow us to capitalise on investment opportunities as they appear.
Our Fund range is ideal for clients who are looking for an investment solution that has a clear investment goal and is benchmark agnostic. The Funds are suitable for those who:
have a required investment outcome with a defined level of risk
have a medium to long term investment horizon and
would like exposure to a wide range of diversifying assets
Please contact your financial adviser for further information
Our Multi-Asset Diversified Fund Range (always speak to a Financial Adviser prior to investing)
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