What are the DFM Model Portfolios?
Our investment range consists of 3 DFM Model Portfolios designed to cater for a wide range of risk and return appetites. All the Portfolios utilise our investment desk’s macroeconomic views, asset allocation framework and contain investment instruments carefully selected by the team from some of the leading financial institutions around the world. The Portfolios are highly diversified and spread risk by investing across regions and asset classes, adhering to the firm’s outcome-based philosophy. Our Portfolios enable clients to draw on our sophisticated proprietary investment process and utilise three decades of Momentum’s investment management expertise.
Who are the DFM Model Portfolios suitable for?
The Managed Solutions DFM Model Portfolios are ideal for clients who are looking for an investment solution that has a clear outcome and is benchmark agnostic. Who want a steady return from their investments with a defined level of risk and have lifetime goals in the medium to long term. They are designed for clients who have a required outcome and would like exposure to a wide range of assets through one portfolio.