The Momentum Diversified Fund range has been designed to offer a range of five risk-rated funds targeting specific target outcomes above inflation over relevant time horizons of four years or more.

The funds are highly diversified, investing in a wide range of global asset classes such as equities (both directly and using talented  third-party managers globally where we require specialist focus and expertise), fixed income, cash, property and alternative strategies.

We look to innovatively blend investment styles in our asset allocation, applied across a wide range of assets. In the UK market, we tend to have a bias towards a refined value approach specifically in our higher risk funds, but with more of a blended style approach in lower risk funds where a smoother investment journey is more important to investors with lower risk appetites.

The funds' strategic asset allocation is designed with the aim of achieving the stated target return utilising our "outcome-based investment" philosophy whilst staying within their nominated risk bands.