The MGF range of single-asset class strategies consists of  specialist strategies spanning global developed markets, emerging market equities, and global bonds. They are large, long established and directly invested strategies managed by best-in-class specialists globally, that have been selected by our experienced investment team. Each is available individually through daily-dealing UCITS funds or can be combined to create customised multi-asset portfolios that cater for a wide range of investment requirements.
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MGF: Global Equity Fund

The Global Equity Fund is designed to provide a style-balanced and well-diversified exposure to developed equity markets around the world that aims to outperform the MSCI World index over the medium to long term. The Fund is expected to exhibit a relatively low tracking error and avoid substantial drawdowns relative to the index and implements a best of breed approach by selecting and blending high conviction strategies run by specialist third party managers.

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MGF: Global Fixed Income Fund

The Global Fixed Income Fund provides a core global bond exposure within multi-asset portfolios offering both a source of return and diversification. The Fund aims to outperform the JP Morgan Global Government Bond Index (unhedged in USD) over a three to five year horizon and is expected to exhibit a relatively low tracking error and avoid substantial drawdowns relative to the index. The Fund employs a systematic enhanced index approach to portfolio construction and seeks to generate outperformance from three principal alpha drivers: currency bloc, country and curve.

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Our team of investment specialists are empowered to work collaboratively as a team, and with partners, to identify and implement innovative investment ideas based on our wealth of experience.

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Our approach

Our approach to setting strategic asset allocations does not rely on historical returns of different asset classes, as these are not necessarily a good guide to future returns. Instead we place much greater emphasis on the historical volatility of asset classes and covariance with other asset classes. This enables us to define a robust strategic asset allocation of truly diverse asset classes, optimally combined to achieve the desired returns with as little risk as possible, whilst also minimising the probability of shortfall versus objectives.

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