About the Harmony PortfoliosThe Harmony Portfolios are a long established range of globally diversified funds, designed specifically to provide a cornerstone investment. The range consists of 8 portfolios, each risk profiled with a specific geographical and currency focus, housed in a Luxembourg UCITS structure with daily pricing and daily liquidity. The Portfolios aim to provide an ‘all-in’ cornerstone solution for clients, taking responsibility for the significant research burden of investment and manager selection combined, specialist active asset allocation, portfolio construction and risk management activities. |
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Asian Balanced & Asian Growth Funds
AUD Growth Fund
Europe Growth Fund
Sterling Balanced & Sterling Growth Funds
Global Balanced & Global Growth Funds
The investment philosophy is built on three core capabilities:
The asset allocation process is disciplined, robust and valuation driven, and builds portfolios with true diversification across a wide range of non-correlated assets. ‘Best of breed’ fund solutions are then used to construct each portfolio. We recognise that no investment house has a monopoly of skill in all disciplines: having an unconstrained choice allows us to choose the most appropriate investment managers for any particular asset class. We are objective and independent in our approach, with no incentive to utilise a specific provider in the underlying composition of the portfolios.
Regulatory information
To view the Harmony Portfolios prospectuses and Key Fact statements available in both English and Chinese click here.