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Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Momentum Global Investment Management. Returns to 31 December 2024, net of fees in base currency terms. Past performance Is not indicative of future returns. 1Harmony Cautious Income Portfolio inception date of 25 January 2019. 2Harmony Sustainable Growth Portfolio inception date 3 March 2022. 3Historical performance, figures prior to 12 June 2020, when Momentum IF Global Equity Fund (MIF GEF) merged into the UCITS structure to combine with Momentum GF Global Equity Fund (MGF GEF), comprises three components: i) between 28 February 2009 and 16 December 2019 performance figures reflect MIF GEF A; ii) between 16 December 2019 and 9 January 2020 the performance figures are a composite of MIF GEF A and MGF GEF I on an asset-weighted basis; iii) between 9 January 2019 and 11 June 2020 the performance figures are a composite of MIF GEF I and Harmony Global Equity Fund A (Harmony GEF) on an asset-weighted basis. Historical performance figures for MIF GEF A and MGF GEF I have been adjusted to incorporate the prevailing fees for Harmony GEF.